
The GLS major focuses on developing a well-rounded awareness and mastery of the great works, thinkers, and intellectual traditions that have helped to shape the globalized world we live in today. Students can choose from a wide range of classes offered in English from the different programs within the School of Global Studies in order to develop a holistic knowledge of the world's cultures, philosophies, politics, societies, and religions through different historical periods.

Core Courses
GLS promotes small seminar-size classes in which students will have ample time for discussion and writing. Core courses include: Introductory Seminar, Ancient Civilizations, Critical Thought and Expression, Intellectual Tradition, Global Culture and Ideology, Global Governance and Society, The Global Economy, and The Global Environment.

Elective Courses
GLS students can take a variety of English-medium classes from other majors in the School of Global Studies. Elective courses include: Glocal Studies in Japan, History of Modern Japan, Lecture on Foreign Policy, International Development Policy, Changes in English, Understanding Fiction, Drama, and Poetry, Comparative Thought (East and West), Workshop in Intercultural Communication Research, Special Topics in Global History, Special Topics in International Politics, Special Topics in International Development Studies, Special Topics in English Linguistics, Special Topics in Philosophical Anthropology, Literature and Media for Children and Young Adults, English Project Workshop, Media Literacy, Special Topics in English Literature and Culture.

Japanese Education
Along with core and elective courses the School of Global Studies offers a World Language Program whereby GLS students earn 30 or more credits of Japanese language education. Our program is designed for students who have never learned Japanese or are at a beginner’s level to understand Japanese linguistic structures and learn useful daily expressions and basic phrases step by step. By the time they graduate, they will be able to comprehend short articles written for native Japanese speakers and to communicate orally according to various situations and types of people.
1st year
School foundation
spring semester
- Introductory Seminar (Academic Skills)
fall semester
Foundation in own major
spring semester
- Ancient Civilizations
- Critical Thought and Expression
fall semester
- Intellectual Traditions
Elective subjects
spring semester
- Global Media and Culture
- Twenty-First Century Cities
fall semester
- International Academic Relations
- Global Peace and Security
2nd year
School foundation
spring semester
- Career Design
fall semester
Other specialized foundation
spring semester
- Introduction to Global History
- Introduction to International Politics
- International Development Studies I
- Introduction to Theory of Culture
- English Language
- Understanding Film and Popular Culture
fall semester
- Introduction to Philosophy and Humanities
- Introduction to International Economics
- Introduction to International Business
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Understanding Fiction, Drama and Poetry
Own specialized course subjects
spring semester
- Global Culture and Ideology
- Global Governance and Society
fall semester
- The Global Environment
- The Global Economy
Elective subjects
spring semester
- Basics of Modern Philosophy and Comparative Thought
- Japan & World Economy
- Global Business and Leadership
- American Literary and Cultural Studies
fall semester
- Basics of Global History
- International Politics
- International Development Studies II
- Workshop in Linguistic Research
- Glocal Studies in Japan
- Topics in English Linguistics
- Analyzing, Discussing and Writing about Literature, Film and Culture
3rd year
Own specialized course subjects (seminars)
spring semester
- GLS Seminar I (Contemporary Global Issues)
- GLS Seminar I (Society, Language, and Globalization)
fall semester
- GLS Seminar II (Ethical Inquiry)
- GLS Seminar II (Intercultural Communication Today)
Elective subjects
spring semester
- Lecture on Foreign Policy
- International Development Policy
- Lecture on Economic Policy
- Current Topics in Linguistics
- Workshop in Intercultural Communication Research
- Professional English
- Current Topics
- Literature and Media for Children and Young Adults
- Special Topics in Philosophical Anthropology
- Special Topics in Global History
- Special Topics in International Politics
- Special Topics in International Development Studies
- Special Topics in International Economics
fall semester
- Comparative Thought (East and West)
- History of Modern Japan
- Lecture on Cross-cultural Management
- Changes in English
- Media Literacy
- English Project Workshop
- Special Topics in Linguistics
- Special Topics in Intercultural Communication
- Special Topics in English Linguistics
- Special Topics in English Literature and Culture
- Special Topics in International Business Studies
4th year
Graduation research
spring semester
- Graduation research [6 credit units over spring and fall] (all specialized courses) >Graduation Research<
fall semester
- Graduation research [6 credit units over spring and fall] (all specialized courses) >Graduation Research<
Elective subjects
spring semester
- Japanese Teaching Methods
fall semester
- Japanese Studies
- Japanese Teaching Practice
Start of lectures for 1st to 4th years
* Subjects which can be taken will differ depending on students’ Japanese language ability.
Students who have not studied Japanese
World languages
spring semester
- Japanese Language IA
- Japanese Language IB
- Japanese Language IC
fall semester
- Japanese Language IIA
- Japanese Language IIB
- Japanese Language IIC
JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education A1/A2
World languages
spring semester
- Japanese Language IIIA
- Japanese Language IIIB
- Japanese Language IIIC
fall semester
- Japanese Language IVA
- Japanese Language IVB
- Japanese Language IVC
JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education B1/B2 or Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N3 or higher
World languages
spring semester
- Japanese Language VA
- Japanese Language VB
- Japanese Language VC
- College-level Japanese Language IA
- College-level Japanese Language IIA
- College-level Japanese Language IIIA
- College-level Japanese Language IVA
- Advanced Japanese Language IA
- Advanced Japanese Language IC
- Advanced Japanese Language IIA
- Advanced Japanese Language IIC
- Japanese Affairs IA
- Japanese Affairs IIA
- Japanese Affairs IIIA
fall semester
- Japanese Language VIA
- Japanese Language VIB
- Japanese Language VIC
- College-level Japanese Language IB
- College-level Japanese Language IIB
- College-level Japanese Language IIIB
- College-level Japanese Language IVB
- Advanced Japanese Language IB
- Advanced Japanese Language ID
- Advanced Japanese Language IIB
- Advanced Japanese Language IID
- Japanese Affairs IB
- Japanese Affairs IIB
- Japanese Affairs IIIB
Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N1 or higher
World languages
spring semester
- Business Japanese II
fall semester
- Business Japanese I