ダンジェロ ジェームズ
学位 | PhD 博士 |
所属 | 国際学科 |
出身校 | North-West University |
専門分野 | World Englishes, ELF, EMI |
研究室 | 名古屋学舎14号館4階413室 |
担当科目 | Global Governance and Society, 21st Century Cities, The Global Economy, Intercultural Communication Today |
Born in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Earned a B.A. in Economics from Trinity College in Hartford, CT in 1982, MBA from Boston University 1991, an MA. in Bilingual/ESL from UMASS/Boston 1995 and Ph.D. from North-West University, Vaal Triangle, South Africa, 2016. Employed at Chukyo University since 2001, becoming full Professor in 2006.
- Q
- どんな研究をしているの?
- A
How to teach using English as a Lingua Franca
- Q
- 中京大学国際学部のいいところは?
- A
The faculty is young, speak English well, and have passion
- Q
- おすすめの本は?
- A
Hemingway's "A Moveable Feast"
- (2021) “Features of Japanese English.” With T. Yamaguchi and Y. Fujiwara. In (E. Low and A. Pakir (eds.) English in East and South Asia: Policy, Features and Language in Use. London: Routledge.
- (2020) “Foreword.” In Konakahara, M. and K. Tsuchiya (eds.) English as a Lingua Franca in Japan: Towards Multilingual Practices. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- (2019) “The Status of ELF in Japan.” In Jenkins, J. et al., (eds.) Routledge Handbook of English as a Lingua Franca. London: Routledge.
- (2019) “Expanding ELF-informed EMI in Japanese Higher Education: A case study of actual graduates needs. In Murata, K. (ed.) English Medium Instruction from an English as a Lingua Franca Perspective: Exploring the Higher Education context. London: Routledge.
- (2019) “From Learners to Users: Reframing a Japanese University Curriculum towards a ‘World Englishes Enterprise’-informed EMI Model. In Fang, F. and H. Widodo (eds.) Critical Perspectives on Global Englishes in Asia. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
- (2017) “Afterword.” In Selvi, A.F. and N. Rudolph (eds.), Contextualizing Education for Glocal Interaction. Singapore: Springer.
- (2015) “Nurturing EMI in Broad-Based Japanese Higher Education.” Waseda Working Papers in ELF, vol. 4, pp. 219-228.
- (2014) “Firth and Wagner ’97 and ’07: Mainstream SLA wakes up to World Englishes?” In T. Shiozawa et al. (eds.), Gendai Shakai to Eigo (Modern Society and English). Tokyo: Kinseido.
- (2013) “The WEs/EIL paradigm and Japan’s NS propensity: Challenging the ‘friendly face’ of West-based TESOL.” In Giri, R. and R. Marlina (eds.), Theory and Principles of English as an International Language. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars
- (2013) “Japanese English? Refocusing the Discussion.” Asian English Studies, vol. 15, 2013.
- (2012) “WEs-Informed EIL Curriculum: Towards a Functional, Educated Outcome.” In Matsuda, A. (ed.) Teaching English as an International Language. Toronto: Multilingual Matters.
- (2012) “Curriculum and World Englishes: Additive Language Learning (ALL) as Culture, Context and Goal.” In Low, E.L. and A. Hashim, (eds.) English in Southeast Asia: Features, Policy and Language in Use., Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- (2012) “What Nearby Models can Japan Consider in the Era of Globalized Higher Education? Journal of College of World Englishes, No. 14, February 2012.
- (2011) “The Kachru-Smith Ethos of Inclusivity in Japan: The Exonormative – Endonormative Debate Resolved.” Journal of College of World Englishes, No. 13, February 2011.
- (2008) “The Japan Context and the Expanding Circle: A Kachruvian Response to Debbie Ho.” Asian Englishes, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 64-75, winter 2008.
- (2005) “Educated Japanese English: expanding oral/aural core vocabulary.” World Englishes, Volume 24, No. 3, August 2005.
As the last several years of the World Englishes Career major unfold, I wish great success and support to our students. Also, eager to make a success of our all EMI major, Global Liberal Studies within the new School of Global Studies! If you are an international or Japanese student with B2 CEFR level of English, please consider to join our multinational program, where all classes are conducted in English, and you can also develop high proficiency in Japanese, or another language!