国際交流学生委員会「Fellowship of World Cultures」
GLS専攻の留学生と日本人学生から構成される国際交流学生委員会「Fellowship of World Cultures」は、(1)GLS専攻の留学生が中京大学での学生生活、そして日本社会に馴染むことができるようにサポートすること、(2)留学生と日本人学生が交流し、相互の文化を知ることに資する環境づくりを行うこと、そして(3)長期的目標として、中京大学の国際化に貢献することを目的としています。
2023年9月には、第1回の国際交流イベント「FWC's Culture Fair」を開催しました。イベントの詳細はこちらからご覧ください。
What is Fellowship of World Cultures?
The School of Global Studies hosts FWC (Fellowship of World Cultures), which was established to:
Assist students of the GLS major to better integrate into the Chukyo student body and Japanese society as a whole
Create a more conducive environment in which international and domestic students might interact and explore one another’s cultures
To broaden Chukyo’s international capabilities as a long-term goal.
FWC provides mentorships for international students regarding questions about daily life in Japan and student life, along with organizing events for international and domestic students to interact with one another, where together, they propose solutions to internationalization issues found in Chukyo University’s media and facilities.
FWC has organized an event where FWC members and associates demonstrate some cultural highlights from where they were born to or are deeply interested in.
There were samples of foods and drinks representative of the following countries and cultures: Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, America, Nepal, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japanese local cultures. Click here for details.