アームストロング クリストファー
Christopher J. ARMSTRONG
学位 | 博士「English Studies」 |
所属 | 言語文化学科 |
出身校 | モントリオール大学 |
専門分野 | カナダ文学 |
研究室 | 16号館(アネックス)315室 |
担当科目 | English for Discussion and Presentation; Understanding Fiction, Poetry and Drama; Writing about Literature, Film and Popular Culture |
- “Writing the Commodity: Atlantic Canadian Writers and Postmodern Consumer Culture” カナダ文学研究 第 27 号 2019.
- “Beyond the Ramparts of Quebec: Bridging Past and Present in Robert Lepage's Le Confessionnal” 国際英語学部紀要 第 25 号 2019.
- “‘The Lines We Drive On’: Automobility in the Road Narratives of Donald Shebib and Alistair MacLeod.” Studies in Canadian Literature 44. 2, 2018.
- “Consuming Canadian Space: Road Narratives in Contemporary Canadian Film and Literature” カナダ文学研究 第 26 号 2018.
- “Writing in the English-Medium Literature Classroom: The Why and the How” 国際英語学部紀要 第 23 号 2018.
- 「もっと遠くまで行けばーカナダ大西洋州、自動車での移動、そして路ー」『路と異界の英語圏文学』大阪教育図書 2017.
- “’The Other View of Us’: Two Canadian Literary Portraits of Rockwell Kent” カナダ文学研究 第 25 号 2017.
- “Gender, Genre and the Uncanny: A Reading of the Finale Stories in Alice Munro’s Dear Life.” カナダ文学研究 第 23 号 2015.
- “The Rock Observed: Art and Surveillance in Michael Winter’s This All Happened.” Newfoundland and Labrador Studies 25.1 (Spring 2010)
- “Post-colonial Historicity: Halifax, Region and Empire in Barometer Rising and The Nymph and the Lamp.” Downtown Canada: Writing Canadian Cities. Eds. Justin D. Edwards and Douglas Ivison. Toronto: U of T Press, 2005.
- “Migrant Imaginings and Atlantic Canadian Regionalisms.” Canadian Migration Patterns from Britain and North America. Ed. Barbara Messamore. U of Ottawa Press, 2002.
- (with Herb Wyile) “Firing the Regional Can(n)on: Liberal Pluralism, Social Agency and David Adams Richards’ Miramichi Trilogy.” Studies in Canadian Literature 22.1, 1997.
- (共著)『Reading Contemporary Britain: 15 Critical Views of Culture and Society』松柏社 2015.
- (共著)『Reading Contemporary America: 15 Critical Views of Culture and Society』松柏社 2009.
“Beware; for I am fearless. And therefore powerful.” (Mary Shelley, novelist)
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